FangQuant › Commodities Futures

DCE will accelerate the listing of styrene, liquefied petroleum gas, live pigs, dry pepper futures and iron ore options

Fang submitted 2019-08-30 16:05:51

DCE will accelerate the listing of styrene, liquefied petroleum gas, live pigs, dry pepper futures and iron ore options, accelerate the research on container capacity, gas coal, scrap steel futures and coking coal and coke options, continue to expand the scale of commodity swap business, and continue to strengthen the research and development and promotion of commodity index. We will continue to improve and optimize the relevant international business rules, accelerate the internationalization of RBD palm olein, soybean No. 1, LLDPE, PP and other varieties, and do a good job in the policy design and landing services of QFII and other institutions in the futures market. At the same time, we will continue to accelerate the "Peasant Income Guarantee Plan" and "Enterprise Risk Management Plan" by unifying futures companies, insurance companies, commercial banks and securities companies, and continue to do a good job in serving entities such as bank-futures cooperation, institutional meetings, industry and finance bases. In the near future, we will also launch a basis trade platform to promote the base trade model to be more widely used in coking coal, coke and iron ore, plastics and chemical industries, and to serve the domestic and foreign real economy more efficiently, conveniently and safely to carry out spot trade. In terms of improving the contract system and rules, major firms will continue to optimize the market maker program, promote the continuity of major contracts and the activity of contracts in recent months, and further improve the quality and efficiency of market operation.


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